Questions for Psychics: Top Ten

Questions for Psychics: Top Ten

Human beings have always been interested in answering the questions in life. Though some may know their purpose, many people still have unanswered questions or simply want help getting on track. Whether there is something bothering you, you want to reconnect with a departed loved one, or have another burning question, a psychic may be able to help. Perhaps questions will be answered well enough that you can move on.

Psychics report that the types of questions asked have changed with the times, but money, health, and love are still in top spots.

Your Role

When visiting a psychic, you have an effect on the reading as well. It is always best to prepare for a reading, whether online or in person. This will ensure an effective reading. Asking vague questions will not produce functional answers so to utilize the psychic’s power, focus on specifics. Make sure you define the reading’s purpose so it moves in the right direction.

Dos and Don’ts

There are a few basic dos and don’ts when it comes to palm reading or choosing tarot cards. These will help you understand specific question formation.


  • Ask yes or no questions
  • Ask should questions
  • Ask when, where, or who questions

By asking questions like the ones listed above, you may be forfeiting your own will for that of the psychic’s predictions. Life should be about following personal instincts, not blindly trusting another person.

Questions to Ask

Now that the questions that should not be asked have been covered, we will move into the top ten types of questions to ask. These can be made your own depending on your situation. Questions should focus on the what and how for a psychic.

What do I need to know about…?

Fill in the blank with your specific question about whatever topic you need. You will get to hear the psychic’s answer and gauge their capabilities.

What changes are necessary to succeed in …?

If there is a particular life area that needs work, a psychic can help. Even if things are going fine, a psychic could help you avoid problems. This will help you know what to do.

What are the opportunities I need to look for?

Change is a constant and new beginnings will soon cross your path. A good psychic will let you know these are coming so your mind can remain open. Do not let this sidetrack you from what you are doing, but keep a watch for new opportunities.

What suitable career path is there for me?

Only approach this question if you are unhappy in your current career path.

What roadblocks need removed from my life path?

Simply asking a question like this will help clear roadblocks or prepare for their removal. This will also alert you to harmful life areas.

What does the Divine want to show me?

A bit different then the first question which is specific, this question leaves things wide open to suggestions from the psychic. We may not always understand the message given, but the psychic can clarify some.

What about my relationship with …?

When a relationship, friendship, or family relationship is off course, try this question. You may gain new understanding about your partner, friend, or family member.

What changes should be made for maintained health?

This is an all-encompassing question that may reveal what is causing stress or sickness.

What is it in my life that is no longer working?

This will require a detailed response, as well as offer clarity and insight into what should be embraced and discarded. Things change on our life journey and new elements will be required. A psychic can help sort out what is needed.

Is there anything about my past lives that should be made known to me?

This question may or may not have an answer or insight, but it may. Some people may not be comfortable exploring this area, but if you want to know, do not be afraid to ask.

When you choose to visit a psychic or get an online reading, be prepared. You can always ask additional questions if needed.


  1. The practical advice given here seems useful not only for those visiting psychics but also for anyone looking to gain clarity in various aspects of their lives. The notion of focusing on ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions is universally applicable.

  2. The suggestions for effective questioning appear to be quite pragmatic, especially the emphasis on avoiding yes or no questions. It makes sense that such queries might limit the potential depth of the insight provided.