What Kind of Intuition Do You Have?


You might wonder what kind of intuition you have and the best way to figure this out is to look at the times that you didn’t use your intuition when you needed it the most. You might have had many times where you said, “I should have listened to my gut feeling,” or, “I’m super glad I listened to my gut at that time.”

When you do this then you are able to know that you have intuition.

“I Should Have Listened to My Gut Feeling.”

Maybe you want to make an appointment on Monday, but you feel something inside of you telling you to wait until Wednesday. But you just wanting to get it done so you go ahead and make the appointment on Tuesday. When Tuesday does happen, you end up having to cancel the appointment because something more important happened.

If you had listened and made the appointment for Wednesday, then you wouldn’t have had to miss it. This is a prime example of not listening to your gut feeling.

“I’m Super Glad I Listened to My Gut at That Time.”

When you get a feeling that you should do something that you aren’t used to doing and you do it and then something great happens to you, this can make you excited that you listened to your intuition. Maybe you go past a thrift store when you are in a hurry, but you decide to stop, and you find a treasure that is worth a lot to you. You will be excited that you listened for a long time.

Final Thought

Your gut feeling or your intuition will speak to you, and it will either be a voice, or it will be a feeling that you get inside of you. The more that you listen to it the stronger it will be when you need it to show up for you.

Find out how you learned to listen more to your intuition and keep doing it. Ask yourself these things!

  • How was I able to know that my intuition was guiding me? Was it a gut feeling or was it a voice? Maybe it was just something that showed up out of nowhere.
  • When intuition talks to you, what do you feel? How long does it last? Does it just pass by?

When you understand how your intuition guides you then you will be more aware of how you should listen to it. The more you know what your intuition feels like, the more you will be able to pay attention to it when it comes to you. Allow yourself to connect with your intuition and let it guide you.

In the times that you didn’t listen to your intuition, learn from these times, and learn that you need to tune more into yourself so that you can hear what your gut is trying to show you.

As long as you move forward and you are more aware, the less opportunities you will miss. Keep moving forward in your journey and let your inner voice guide you.


  1. The examples given in the article make it easier to understand how intuition can manifest in different situations. It’s a useful guide for anyone looking to strengthen their connection with their inner voice.

  2. Connecting with one’s intuition seems to be a key theme in personal development. The article outlines clear steps on how to better tune into this inner guidance, which could be beneficial for personal growth.

  3. I appreciate the emphasis on learning from the times we didn’t follow our intuition. It’s a reminder that every experience, even the missed opportunities, can teach us something valuable.

  4. I find the concept of intuition fascinating. The article does a good job of explaining how it works and why it’s important to listen to it, even if it doesn’t always seem rational at the moment.

  5. The article provides a thoughtful reflection on the role of intuition in our daily lives. It’s interesting to consider how often we overlook these gut feelings and the potential impacts of doing so.