4 Important Steps on How to Become a Psychic

How to Become a Psychic

Learning how to become a psychic requires you to have the right mindset and is more than just reading great books, practicing, meditating or even working with a great mentor.

The following four steps will help you prepare both emotionally and mentally to give readings and work with clients.

  1. Do away with fear

How to Become a PsychicThis is one of the main things that hinder people from using their gifts. This, however, makes me sad since there are many people who are afraid therefore they stay hidden in the psychic closet.

One of the very best ways to do away with fear is just to face it head-on.

  • Practice giving readings if you’re scared
  • Get back on the horse and give another reading even if you feel as though you didn’t give a great reading

You’ll learn how to work more with your abilities, the more you practice. Amazing things happen when you do this. You get feedback from people.

Your confidence grows and fear begins to subside when people start validating the things you’re saying.

In learning how to become a psychic, practice is important

Tip: when you spend time meditating before reading, you can combat the fear of giving readings. By doing so you’ll be more focused and centered.

Awkward Moments

There will be awkward moments and you will be nervous sometimes when you start giving practice readings. However, let this not hinder you. The more you practice the easier it gets.

  1. Learn to Trust

Trusting the process is important when it comes to learning how to become a psychic.

Sometimes when you have:

  • Practiced a lot
  • Received positive feedback from individuals you’ve practiced on
  • Learned how to work with your abilities

It’s time for you to start trusting the intuitive feelings and messages you are getting

  1. Get Your Ego Out of It

“No one is useless in this world that lightens the burdens of another” Charles Dickens

If you feel like this sounds harsh do not take it that way. In other words, we just mean you put yourself aside.

Passing along the information you receive is your job as the reader.

Your job is not to:

  • Decide what the client does with the information
  • Make the information fit
  • Inform the client what they want to hear
  • Make decisions for the client

Do not forget that it’s always about the client, whatever they want and what’s best for them. Their free will always reign.

  1. Develop a Thick Skin

You must be ready to deal with criticisms and people not taking you seriously if you’re going to learn how to become a psychic. Quite a number of individuals will appreciate your work while others won’t.

Below are some of the things you might experience:

Providing information which does not resonate with your client. This usually happens to us all the time.

You shouldn’t waste your time and energy trying to convince a nonbeliever since some people think that all mediums and psychics are fake. Let them be.

Don’t take it personally when other folks hate you because spirit communication and intuitive work is against their religious beliefs. Every person is free to trust what they want.

You may be asked to prove yourself at some point in your journey of learning how to become psychic. For example, someone telling you to give them a free reading first before they hire you. I always advise against giving free readings if you want to be taken seriously since I personally feel like it undermines the process.

And do not forget “A thick skin is a gift from God”- Konrad Adenauer

Final Thoughts on How to Become Psychic

Being a psychic or medium can be hard sometimes. However, the good thing is you’ll be glad you stick with it even when you felt insecure or overwhelmed since it is so incredibly rewarding.

The two hardest times of learning how to become a psychic according to me are during the early days (when everything is tiring) and when you decide to “go pro” (when insecurity can really creep in!).


  1. The advice to avoid giving free readings to be taken seriously is quite insightful. It underscores the value of one’s time and skills, which is a valuable lesson in any professional field.

  2. The writer’s recommendations, particularly about trusting the process and setting aside one’s ego, resonate well. These principles are relevant in various professional contexts, not just in the psychic domain.

  3. The discussion about handling criticism and skepticism is crucial. Being prepared for diverse reactions can help one stay focused and persistent in their journey, which is an important takeaway from the article.

  4. The article provides a balanced approach to developing psychic abilities, emphasizing the importance of practice and maintaining a positive mindset. It offers practical steps that could be useful for anyone serious about this pursuit.