How to Understand Mantra Meditation

Mantra Meditation

Mantras are widely misunderstood in today’s society. One of the misunderstandings about mantras is the spiritual context of them. Mantras are a repeated chant done during meditation. Some today think just repeating a chant throughout the day will somehow fulfill all your desires.

Another misunderstanding is where the idea of the mantra practice originates. Most shy away from it because they understand it stems from Eastern religions. While that is partially true, mantras also have originations in Judaism and Christian relations as well as Shamanic traditions.

Today, mantras serve the secular community too. It is a way to create and focus mindfulness and also serves as a mental armor. Mantras can ward off unhealthy emotions and worrisome distractions and put priorities in focus. They have a calming effect on those dealing with stress and anxiety.

Mantras can also provoke positive qualities to enter your life as they can change your mindset and build confidence. They can keep you in the present moment and help religious people create a link with the divine.

How to Conduct a Mantra Meditation

The most important thing to do when you plan to do a mantra mediation is to find the mantra that suits your intention. For that, you need to set your intention. What do you hope to gain from the meditation?

The intention could be to relax, to develop spiritually, to reduce negative emotions, or to draw good things into your life. Those are just a few things. Intentions could also be health-related or working on relationships.

Whatever your intention, there will be some health benefits because practicing relaxation and reducing stress will lower your blood pressure and help in other ways.

Picking the exact mantra is important but it can be changed as your intentions change. Some use a religious text that goes with their faith. Others use a positive affirmation to help them deal with a particular inward problem. Some use positive thought mantras to attract positive attributes into their lives.

Take a comfortable position. You won’t continue with mantra meditation regularly if you are uncomfortable doing it. You will need a quiet area where you can be alone for a while. It’s best to avoid things like sound and light that overstimulate the senses. After all, you are trying to calm your senses and focus only on the mantra.

Check in with yourself. Once you find a comfortable spot and are sitting in a comfortable position, concentrate on your body. Focus on where there are resistance and tension. Release it. Focus on your breath. Settle your mind before you start chanting.

It is time to chant your mantra. Don’t expect a supernatural experience from it. Just live in the moment and also focus on the mantra’s sound as much as the words. There is no time required for meditation. Stop when you want. Go as long as you want. Just relax and enjoy it. It may feel awkward at first, but it will become second nature with practice.

As you develop more mindfulness, you may seek to implement changes in your life and your meditation. Don’t be afraid of changes. That is why you are meditation. You want to effect change in some way. It won’t happen quickly but will make a huge difference in your life over time.


  1. This article sheds light on the multifaceted nature of mantras, showing their potential to integrate into various aspects of life, whether spiritual or secular. The potential health benefits, such as stress reduction and lowered blood pressure, are particularly compelling.

  2. The author provides a comprehensive view on the origins and benefits of mantras, which extends beyond the commonly known Eastern religious practices. Understanding that mantras have roots in various religious and secular traditions adds depth to their application in mindfulness and stress reduction.

  3. The practical advice on how to conduct a mantra meditation is particularly useful. It demystifies the process and makes it more accessible to those new to the practice, emphasizing comfort and personal intention over rigid rules.

  4. The concept of changing mantras as intentions evolve is an insightful point. It highlights the dynamic nature of meditation practices and how they can be personalized to meet individual needs over time. This fosters a more adaptable and sustainable meditation routine.

  5. I appreciate the clarification that mantras are not a quick fix for all problems but rather a tool to enhance mindfulness and focus. The emphasis on setting a proper intention aligns well with other forms of meditation and self-improvement practices.